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Modern intranet for small businesses

The company home page that gets everyone on the same page

Give your team the information they need to achieve your most ambitious goals with the simplest internal comms tool available today

Move faster. Sync priorities. Communicate events. Share news. Brainstorm together.

Simplify company-wide communication

Give your company one place to find the information they need.

Smash your silos

Break down silos with team dashboards that are visible company wide.

Find new capabilities

Find team members with the skills you need for your next big initiative.

Share and grow ideas together

Promote interaction amongst teams — not just within them.


Priorities. Information. Ideas.
It all lives here.

Simple, modern intranet built for today's async environment.

News and Company Calendar

Get out the most pressing information, fast

Share pertinent news and announcements with everyone in your organization.
Company Calendar
Keep everyone updated with key dates and events on your company calendar.
Put your top priorities front and center. Create both team specific priorities and company wide ones.
CEO's Corner
Create regular updates from the CEO to share vision, direction, and initiatives.
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Team Dashboards and Employee Directory

Improve collaboration between teams and employees

See all the employees at your org, plus details on their roles, skills, and interests.
New hires and birthdays
Celebrate birthdays and introduce new hires to the entire org.
Team Views
Go beyond seeing who is on what team. See each team's individual priorities, announcements, events, and more.

Groups, Icebreakers, and Brainstorming

Bring People Together

Create groups for common interests, company initiatives, and more.
Weekly icebreaker questions make new connections and learn more about one another
Gather fresh ideas for company wide and team specific initiatives
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Go from fragmented to unified with Hallway

Without Hallway

  • Key company info is spread across multiple apps
  • Priorities infrequently shared at meetings
  • Teams have little insight into other team's work
  • Team members only know about the people they work with closely

With Hallway

  • News, events, and announcements in one place
  • Priorities are clear and available for everyone to see
  • Everyone can see what other teams are working on
  • Team members can get to know everyone in the organization

Join our Beta

Help us shape Hallway into something your team can align around. Plus, get personalized attention, support, and fixes at supersonic speeds.